

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Even celebrities cant always look, so hmm, how should i put this, celebrity-ish all the time! Take a look.

Fanny, im just saying, as a celebrity there's just some things you dont do.. and this is number one on the list
Jada, you usually kill it with the hairstyles, but this one looks like you killed something...then placed it on the back of your head..
Tyra, NO!
Jermaine, we're just curious to know, just how many cans of spray paint did this do require?
Trina, let that baby hair shit goooo!!! and never look back
Kim, looks like you took rattle snakes and jerry curls and sewed them to your head...get serious

NeNe dont get me wrong. The idea is cute but come on, it looks like you painted this on! use hair not paint next time and it'll be a hit!

B! Come on, you look like a wet dog..There's just no way you thought this was cute...even with the shades!
Brandy, you should already know! Those bangs made this style a EPIC FAIL! sorry..
Condo, secretary or not, you don't have to look this dry and ancient..Spice up your life a little cuz right now you are POLITICALLY INCORRECT

Ci Ci, I guess you were going for the "Just got out off the shower" look...yea well, looks like you need to step back in! and never come back out unless there is a blowdryer waiting on you!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tip of the Day:
It literally makes me cringe when I see my mom comb her naturally nappy head. She rakes through it with a small toothed comb from the roots! I just watch as her little hair falls unvoluntarily to the floor. Surprisingly, by the time she's done, she still has some hair left!
Yes, hair is supposed to shed, but the way you comb your tresses also makes a difference when it comes to uneccessary hair lost.
Its important to remember to use a wide toothed comb when detangling.

A cutting comb is good to use once the tangles are removed and you want to comb through smooth tresses repeatedly.

Now that you have the proper combs down, its time to learn the right way to comb your hair. Always Always Always start from the ends, detangling that first and then work your way up to your roots. After you comb out your hair in sections, then you can gently run the comb from your roots on down.Should be smooth sailing.

Blame it on the Al Al Al AL Alcohol!

Whenever you use products containing alcohol, its almost just as bad as just pouring rubbing alcohol on your head.Products that contain alcohol strip and remove excess oils from the hair.  While you can look at the ingredients and not see the word “alcohol” there are other products that can cause just as much damage.   So before you go to Walmart racking up on cheap hair goods, please check ya labels Ladies. Cheap aint always the way to go..(Take this down…)
Avoid products containing:
isopropyl alcohol
propylene glycol
mineral oil or petroleum
sodium lauryl sulfate
sodium laureth sulfate
urea DMDM hydantoin.


Even though, I don't wear much make-up on the regular, one product that I tend to shy away from is blush. I love the way it completes a look, but for some reason, i never really think it looks good on me. So, come to find out, a lot of beautiful brown skinned women think the same thing and their excuse is that their skin is too dark??!!??!
We know that as women of color it can be difficult to find the best blush for your skin tone. So, we  did the dirty work for you and found some really complimenting shades for the dark & lovely! (jk)

1. MAC Raizin and MAC Gingerly

They are a neutral color to wear on your cheeks. MAC Raizin is described as a reddish brown color that appears natural on medium to darker skin tones. If you are a lighter complexion, and want to achieve the same natural appearance, then MAC Gingerly is a great option.

2. Nars Exhibit A

Women of color look great with orange and reddish tones on their cheeks Nars Exhibit A looks best when it is applied lightly.

3. MAC Dollymix

Anyone can wear bright pink blush. Dollymix looks great on any skin tone, and creates naturally pink cheeks.

4.Nars Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal is a very pretty, golden and tangerine color. It adds warmth and radiance to darker skin. Taj Mahal is for those who are not afraid of a little shimmer on their cheeks, and who want to add a sheer wash of bright orange to their complexion.

5.Iman Luxury Blushing Powder in Sable

Very dark skinned women look best in rich shades of plum and berry on their cheeks. Iman’s blush in Sable is a creamy shade of cocoa that is extremely natural looking on darker tones.

6. MAC Vintage Grape

Vintage Grape is a pretty plum color that is extremely wearable and versatile. When worn on darker tones, it freshens and livens the skin.


Both Lye and No Lye Relaxers can cause severe hair and scalp damage if not applied properly.But, what is the difference between the two?

Lye Relaxers - (Sodium Hydroxide Relaxers)
Lye Relaxers contain sodium hydroxide. This is the strongest type of chemical relaxer with a ph of 10 to 14. Because of the higher ph, it produces faster results, but can also cause serious damage.

No Lye Relaxers - (Guanidine Hydroxide Relaxers)
No Lye relaxers use Guanidine Hydroxide. These relaxers are very strong as well. It is a common misconception that no lye relaxers are less damaging than those containing lye. This is not true. If extreme care is not exercised when applying a no lye relaxer, the damage is just as devastating.

You should always neutralize hair after applying a chemical relaxer. Neutralizing the hair lowers the ph. When relaxing your hair, the ph is about 1 or 2 levels away from hair remover. So it is very important to bring the ph of the hair back to its normal level. If hair is not properly neutralized, it will break.

Protein and moisture treatments should also be used before and after a relaxer to rebuild the hair structure and prevent breakage.So there you have it Ladies. All relaxers are damaging... And in my opinion, I think you should try to stay as far away from them as possible. There are other ways, dont worry!


Its about that time HairSquares. You need to learn the importance of a good ole wash and condition. A lot of times, we tend to get lazy and may wash our hair in the shower but skip the conditioner. Ultimate NO NO! We learned from our hair care specialist that if anything, conditioning is the most important part. Shampooing cleanses your scalp  and kind of strips your hair of some of its natural oils while conditioning restores some the moisture lost. Just in case you haven’t noticed moisture and it’s retention is paramount to the health and length of your hair. In fact, if you’re scalp isn’t too dirty you can wash your hair using only conditioner in process is called co-washing.  In addition to the conditioner you use during your weekly washes, make sure you utilize a leave in conditioner and deep condition at least once a month.


HAIRSQUARES, do you see these eyebrows??? ONLY acceptable in fashion shows

Brow Rules:
• Blondes' brows- light-brown pencil.
• Redheads' brows- honey colored brown pencil for day, dark-brown for night.
• Brunettes' brows - deep-brown tones

WARNING: Please back away from black brow liner, it can get really scary really fast! Even if you have dark features, still go with a darker brown. It won't look as heavy or soiled. PLEASE PLEASE dont know how often I see this mess walking the streets of D.C.. Get it right and keep it light ladies!
The phantom at the opera!

We don't even know where to begin with this one

She gets away with it, she's on runway!
She looks EVIL