

Saturday, February 25, 2012


I know how us ladies love us some weave... couldnt pay us to live life without, because there's always a but, wearing them so often can actually hurt your hair more than help. It's a preconceived notion that wearing weaves constantly, will grow your hair since its cornrowed underneath majority of the time. But i hate to break it to ya ladies, the more you cornrow, especially tight cornrows, the more likely you are to suffer from balding,thinning and receding hairlines.
What Rocki and I often do to avoid thinning and extreme damage to the hair that is left out in our weave is numero uno, we always switch up our parts. So if we had a weave with a part down the middle, the next time we get one, we make sure to do a side part so that the middle gets a break.
Also, DC Stylist Dan Pennix leaves out the very edges of his clients hair when doing a weave. His philosophy is  "its better to slick it then to ditch it"! He opts for using a little edge control and good boar brush to strategically slick edges down instead of pulling them back into a too-tight cornrow which ultimately cause receding and thinning.
Numero 2: We do strengthening steam treatments every time we take down a weave for restoration.
Numero 3: Ladies, just because your cornrows underneath your weave is tight doesn't mean that its going to last any longer than if you do loser cornrows. Tighter isn't always better. Always ask your braider to take it a little easy with the braiding process especially on your edges

Numero 4: Try to the methods up weaving. For instance, no matter which way I do my part, the real hair that's left out, always suffers. So instead of doing a sew-in, sometimes I do an invisible part so that none of my hair is left out, but i can still achieve a part! Follow the rules, play with the system!


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