

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tip of the Day:
It literally makes me cringe when I see my mom comb her naturally nappy head. She rakes through it with a small toothed comb from the roots! I just watch as her little hair falls unvoluntarily to the floor. Surprisingly, by the time she's done, she still has some hair left!
Yes, hair is supposed to shed, but the way you comb your tresses also makes a difference when it comes to uneccessary hair lost.
Its important to remember to use a wide toothed comb when detangling.

A cutting comb is good to use once the tangles are removed and you want to comb through smooth tresses repeatedly.

Now that you have the proper combs down, its time to learn the right way to comb your hair. Always Always Always start from the ends, detangling that first and then work your way up to your roots. After you comb out your hair in sections, then you can gently run the comb from your roots on down.Should be smooth sailing.

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