Both Lye and No Lye Relaxers can cause severe hair and scalp damage if not applied properly.But, what is the difference between the two?
Lye Relaxers - (Sodium Hydroxide Relaxers)
Lye Relaxers contain sodium hydroxide. This is the strongest type of chemical relaxer with a ph of 10 to 14. Because of the higher ph, it produces faster results, but can also cause serious damage.
Lye Relaxers - (Sodium Hydroxide Relaxers)
Lye Relaxers contain sodium hydroxide. This is the strongest type of chemical relaxer with a ph of 10 to 14. Because of the higher ph, it produces faster results, but can also cause serious damage.
No Lye Relaxers - (Guanidine Hydroxide Relaxers)
No Lye relaxers use Guanidine Hydroxide. These relaxers are very strong as well. It is a common misconception that no lye relaxers are less damaging than those containing lye. This is not true. If extreme care is not exercised when applying a no lye relaxer, the damage is just as devastating.
You should always neutralize hair after applying a chemical relaxer. Neutralizing the hair lowers the ph. When relaxing your hair, the ph is about 1 or 2 levels away from hair remover. So it is very important to bring the ph of the hair back to its normal level. If hair is not properly neutralized, it will break.
Protein and moisture treatments should also be used before and after a relaxer to rebuild the hair structure and prevent breakage.So there you have it Ladies. All relaxers are damaging... And in my opinion, I think you should try to stay as far away from them as possible. There are other ways, dont worry!
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